28. Keren Cytter
Hotelito San Rafael
Mexico City MX
7 – 9 February

Images / Text

Ignacio Manuel Altamirano 45
Col. San Rafael, Cuauhtémoc
CDMX 06470 México

Opens 7 February, by invitation only
Open by appointment 8 and 9 February 
Contact mail@syndkt.com

For its third annual offsite project in Mexico City, Syndicate presents Onanism, a new short film, and suite of drawings from New York-based artist Keren Cytter.

Filmed in Central Park, Onanism presents a guided test of skill, intimacy, and social achievement. The exhibition includes drawings made in Cytter's Manhattan apartment displayed in the Hotelito's sitting room and screens the film in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Onanism (2019) had its debut showing last year as part of the film programme 'the} journey' at the MUMOK in Vienna AT and is shown here for the first time since.

Keren Cytter (*1977 Tel Aviv IL) is an artist representing social realities through experimental methods of storytelling. Cytter collaborated with Syndicate last year for 'Sex is not an option' at Beverly's, New York US, as well as the text for Cytter / Roebas's contribution to the 2019 Jahresgaben exhibition at Kunstverein Düsseldorf, DE.

Cytter / Roebas is a collaborative project by Keren Cytter and John Roebas (*1985 Tegucigalpa HN, lives in New York US).

Cytter's recent solo projects include 'Size Matters', Hamlet (Zurich CH), 'Sponsored content', Center for Contemporary Art (Tel Aviv IL), and 'Mature content', Museion (Bolzano IT). Cytter / Roebas is currently participating in Neighborhood Watch at Downs & Ross, New York US.

This exhibition is staged in a private residence and is viewable by invitation or appointment only. Contact mail@syndkt.com to reserve a time.